[TLV] Lawrence is getting stun gunned the fuck out over here: Discretion Advised: 18+ Content And he's not going to wake up until a warden tells him to "Bring yourself back online". BUT only sweet William knows about the existence of that command.
ALSO Elijah learnt a fair bit about Westworld flavor androids via Teddy so he miiiight be able to hazard a guess as to how to sort him out (if anyone asked him)
BUT YEAH THINKING ABOUT IT (and assuming we don't just use elijah as a workaround)--he'd probs try it in private first, keep lawrence in his room while trying to figure out what to do
(It's also worth noting that Rita herself is obscenely good at reverse-engineering stuff inc. robots and might be able to wake up Lawrence herself when it becomes clear he's just.....not waking up....)
hhhh. Rita's smarter and more cautious than that. I don't stalk their CR, how clear is it from their public interactions that L and W are friendly and from the same place??
So Rita would take him to cybernetics if she's taking him anywhere bc he's a robot. Elijah runs that place so would be able to wake him up without much trouble. ALTERNATIVELY Rita could keep hold of Lawrence and might then just throw out in public 'hey I have this lump of android in my cabin does anyone know where his reboot button is'
option 1 is defs lower drama as far as william's concerned (I mean and in general, sounds like) but I'm open to whatever and can give you his probable reaction if you want specifics
Probably not, Gortys would likely worry over Lawrence first but then get Rita’s permission to contact him because she doesn’t trust William won’t hurt Rita
<3 That's okay! We should thrash this out IC anyway, when you're feeling better we can do girl chat while standing over two unconscious robot dumbasses?
While I don't intend to metagame, what is William's plan if she does let him into her cabin? (With her blaster drawn and fully ready to claim another victim for the sleepy pile if he tries anything weird.)
Okay, her room is pretty hard to get into (spaceship door with high security) and Elijah may have a fair chance bc Quentin did him a solid and taught him some magic
And he's not going to wake up until a warden tells him to "Bring yourself back online". BUT only sweet William knows about the existence of that command.
Much on pain meds atm
faircertainly something, understood o7rita is also thinking that but quietly