🌈Chandni (They)
I just finished Rewatching Dawson's Creek. I don't even remember who I was rooting for as a Teenager, but I'm happy with how it ended.
🌈Chandni (They)
of course I was sag about Jen, but otherwise happy for Pacey's brother and Jack, and that the big trio is still together even across country
I also did this a little bit ago. I am on to rewatching Supernatural. Sam and Dean time!
I like things that I don't have to pay close attention to in the background while I do other things, usually work paperwork related
so rewatching things I love works well for that
🌈Chandni (They)
YUS same! when I do my SL stuff like Rp or meshing and all I just have something running in the background, so rewatching is great for that