Steve: *driving away from Alien Invasion* Laszlo: So... roadside sex? Eh? Ten minutes, tops. Aliens won't notice us. Steve: later, waking up in death toll, just glares Laszlo: I mean, to be fair, you went along with my bad idea.
in a separate thread, did you have endgame ideas for Gertrude? I don't have any for Shawn/Spock, precisely, but I could see him protecting her, or doing his damndest
She's set some traps around the building and in the barricades, and she's going to go back up to an upper floor and snipe aliens until she runs out of ammo! She'd encourage him to back her up after he gets himself a bit steadier.
Norton: tip from a professional with lots of experience in both of these things, don't ever have sex during an alien invasion. wait until after the alien invasion is dealt with, then have sex.
Laszlo: So... roadside sex? Eh? Ten minutes, tops. Aliens won't notice us.
Steve: later, waking up in death toll, just glares
Laszlo: I mean, to be fair, you went along with my bad idea.