Princess Emily
oh BOY it's JK Rowling slash Harry Potter discourse hour AGAIN
Princess Emily
don't consume new Harry Potter media! that's all!
Princess Emily
do not consume it! leave it! bury it!
Princess Emily
do not give JK Rowling more money!
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
it's like, okay, there's some moral ambiguity in stuff like
Princess Emily
"oh I've been a fan forever"
Princess Emily
"I loved the books before we all knew what kind of person Rowling was"
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
but there's NOTHING defensible about buying BRAND NEW MEDIA
Princess Emily
it's like everybody loses critical thinking skills the second there's something shiny and new
Princess Emily
or, you know, they just never actually cared in the first place and were just looking for justifiable excuses
what new media did she put out...
and why does she not stop
Princess Emily
and once they lose that justification they just shrug and go "yeah but it's new harry potter come on"
You're Quinner
tv show annoucned
Princess Emily
yeah there's a new live action TV show coming out i guess
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
i GET that there's nostalgia that can't be erased and people have been fans since before JK Rowling got milkshake ducked
Princess Emily
but that only applies
Princess Emily
to the old shit
i get the people who are like 'harry potter saved my life from mental illness and was a formative part of my development as a human being' and need to keep that separate from what's happening now
Princess Emily
you lose that excuse when you start throwing money at JK now with everything you know for new content she helped make
but we are all grown up enough at this point and no longer need harry potter in our formative development
Princess Emily
it's making a STATEMENT at this point
Princess Emily
and the statement is "we're fine with your blatant transphobia and hatred for trans people, trans women in particular"
I had to have similar discussions YEARS ago about piers anthony and its like, no, buying this is supporting X thing full stop, now that you know this, if you buy this I will take it as an indicator of your support for X.
If your collection being complete is more important than the horrifying things these creators say and do, maybe take a long hard look at yourself.
sailor bii
i feel like these are the cases where piracy is, actually, the more ethical move
A Grinning DM
I honestly have a hard time enjoying Potter now even via piracy
A Grinning DM
its all tainted by JKR
Princess Emily
I can't wait for the scene where a trans witch is forced to sleep in the boys dorm because the stairs to the girls dorm won't let her up
Princess Emily
and then she gets revealed to be a sexual predator or something
Princess Emily
JKR's agenda
sailor bii
Princess Emily
"emily that's satire" idk I give about 50:50 odds
I have been side-eyeing the woman since fucking Mahoutokoro
and she's been getting worse and worse ever since.
no loss here, there's infinite fanfiction and fanart out there that does more interesting things with her core ideas then she ever did. /shrug