https://images.plurk.com/4MSSwkdJMMstzbo4Sd0JdM.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1ZXPyr1zFMsSQvFNF9vvEZ.jpg after 30 years riding train from Mehdyun. I finally able to use their VIP lounge
https://images.plurk.com/31JuurCVALunD67uDEqCyw.jpg the huge tv can’t play tv, but I manage to play their promotional video.
oooh begini VIP lounge-nya, semacam waktu berhenti 30 tahun ya (okok) kecuali TVnya
The building is old also. The same building since my childhood
nots menta
kok bisa masuk VIP?
ubi cilembu
wait is this INSIDE the train or....?
ubi cilembu : ruang tunggu di stasiun kayaknya :-D
Riding luxury train again, it’s considered as vip now
‎‎😙 : yang harganya berapa juta itu ya ?
Just one million (dance_okok)(dance_okok)
🍉 fifaatm
Wuuuuwww bisa kayak naik pesawaat