That Cozy Cat
[vidya gaem] i don't normally like to brag but i kinda wanna show off my mostly complete libraries of a few series.
That Cozy Cat
left: xenosaga. the only one i'm missing is the japanese re-release of the first game, which i think has stuff added into the NA release back into it, so idk if it's worth it
That Cozy Cat
right is my Clover Studio collection. all the games that they made before capcom shut them down. idk if i even want the okami re-releases cos of how they did clover dirty
That Cozy Cat
I only call my Clover collection incomplete because I don't have the Gamecube versions of Viewtiful Joe 1 + 2
That Cozy Cat
In my defense, they're expensive, and I technically already have the games.
That Cozy Cat
and then of course there's the international versions of these games, which is frankly, too much for me to bother with. I made an exception for Xenosaga Freaks, because it's an entirely new game (albeit, basically a visual novel about the first game)
That Cozy Cat
it's complete enough for me to be satisfied, I think.