imma make a new
might get me moving again
1 / tagback otherYugi (TDM)
2 / revise entire last tag to Altair
3 / tagback Judai
4 / consider last Annie-thread
unsure if I have another tag in me for that one annie thread, gotta ponder it
nvm 2! change to: tagback Altair, lol too slow XD
-2: tagback Altair
-3: tagback Judai
-4: consider/tagback Annie
-1: tagback otherYugi (TDM)
one to-do list completed!
...hmmm, do I want to tag-out to Yuzu on the event log?
I could. do I have New Tag-out energy tho, hmm.
link for own ease if I decide to tag her :Va
imma snooze while my computer finishes backing up, then poke at tags hopefully :0a
1 / tagback otherYugi (TDM)
2 / tagback Altair
idk what else, that braining will wait til I come back later
prolly not tagging tonight after all, feel un-great
3 / tag Bethan's rsdos post