JavaWinters 😷
Yes, she went there. Still a bigot.
JavaWinters 😷
If her version of God is male and female then God would be other than male. Asexual, intersex, or trans?
JavaWinters 😷
I can't be racist/bigoted because I have race/gender/religion friends.
More of the “hate the sin, not the sinner” smoke screen for bigotry. Sadly, not at all surprising from her.
"completely evil"? down, girl.
Fly Fisher
She’s confused with our desire to recognize and respect gender identity and those who identify differently than male or female.
Fly Fisher
And another thing. She can’t have it both ways. And her last statement puts her squarely on the side of hate and bigotry.
The bible quote actually supports gender ambiguity - it says humans were created male and female, not male or female. :-) The notion of a gendered god seems silly, if you think about it.
She scares me.