Lord Nick
[COVID] Somebody at work here tested positive. Three people in the front office went for a test this morning but so far they're not telling anybody.
Lord Nick
I only know because I was up in the office and overheard a phone call. One of the people who went for a test is the person I carpool with.
✧ Navigator ✧
oh fuck
✧ Navigator ✧
time to go get tested yourself, especially with the newer strains being way more contagious
Lord Nick
Yeah. I wear a mask in the car but she doesn't.
Lord Nick
I think I'll finish the day because I'm already here but then I'm not coming back until at least those tests come back negative.
Lord Nick
The person who tested positive is in sales so I don't have a lot of direct contact with her but I have had direct contact with people who were on contact with her
Lyra + a Player
Since you carpool, did you see the new studies showing that transmission in cars goes way down if people open their windows?
Lord Nick
I did not but also it's January in Canada so that's not really an option.
Lyra + a Player
Yeah I figure it was more of a potential threat than a workable solution at the moment "hey I know you don't like to wear a mask in the car how about we just open the windows"
Lord Nick
Oh right that makes sense.
Lord Nick
I'm actually a little more concerned that they haven't, like, said anything yet.
Lyra + a Player
hopefully they just don't want to panic anyone until they have something definite to say but you do know your workplace
Oh shit. D:
Lord Nick
I do. I'm going to give them benefit of the doubt that they're discussing it but they can't keep this a secret
Lord Nick
There's people here who are sixty and older. If it's been spread around they're in the risk group.
Lord Nick
I'm probably fine but at least one of my roommates is high risk.
Not sure what Canada rules are, but companies can get into legal trouble here if they give people's medical information, so typically if someone has a positive test we send out a blanket email and say 'an employee (nameless) tested positive and the last time they were in the building was this date, we ordered a deep clean, monitor yourself.'
Lord Nick
Yeah, they're not even doing that.
Their HR department sucks.
✧ Navigator ✧
your office is putting you all in danger by not alerting you
Lord Nick
Yeah, that's the part that I'm really not impressed by.
Lord Nick
Like I said, giving them the benefit of the doubt that they will but right now..
Lord Nick
Update; The announcement has been made but my boss opened up with "It's not a big deal, but..."
Lord Nick
It's a big Fucking deal.
Lord Nick
If she started showing symptoms on Friday that means she was contagious all week.
Lord Nick
I just. I'm so mad about this right now.
Lord Nick
I play it cool and all but I've given up so much this past year. I miss D&D nights, I miss people coming over for board games, I have friends I haven't seen since last February. I had to wait two months to meet my nephew and haven't been able to see him since. I haven't been able to visit my stepdad without feeling nervous about whether or not I'm carrying
Lord Nick
this fucking virus.
Lord Nick
But I did it all because it was the right thing to do, because I wanted to be responsible and do all I could to keep the people around me safe. From my family to my roommates who are both immunocompromised and my best friends.
Lord Nick
Even my coworkers.
Lord Nick
And I feel like I'm suddenly here staring down the barrel of a gun despite all that because this one dumb bitch was irresponsible. Because I know she went to a family gathering and she's one of those assholes who wears a mask down around her chin like a moron. Because of this one fucking idiot all that I've done up there could be a complete waste.
✧ Navigator ✧
you have every right to be angry, and I dont think you'd be out of line submitting a complaint to hr. however, all you can do rn is focusing on yourself and making sure you're safe when interacting at home.
Lord Nick
Make that two positives at work