Mad Larkin
[relationships] [anxiety-ish] one downside to producing tears with practically every emotion is that people think you're sad when you're angry

Mad Larkin
especially when it's completely irrational and misplaced anger, but my boyfriend considered staying home from work because his back hurt (which meant he'd spend most of the day asleep while I worked) and I ended up fighting tears

Mad Larkin
and all I could tell him was that it was anger and completely irrational, because there's no good way to say "right now I hate you because you keep calling out from a job you hate and sleeping the day away right next to me"

Mad Larkin
but he left to try to work, so we'll see

Mad Larkin
and a huge part of my aggressive feelings right now are because my period is taking its own sweet fucking time to arrive, so there's all that on top

Mad Larkin
but I just keep slamming into the wall of "until he gets a new job, we can't live together on our own" and it just drives me to fucking tears

Mad Larkin
I hate it

Mad Larkin
we've been dating for nearly four years

Mad Larkin
we are in our 30s

Mad Larkin
we should be able to live together and not in his fucking mom's house with his fucking senile stepfather

Mad Larkin
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Mad Larkin
I hate that I'm shuffled back and forth like a kid between homes

Mad Larkin
I hate that I feel like a burden on my inlaws

Mad Larkin
I hate that I'm trapped in this stupid fucking messy room that's messy because all my boyfriend's shit is in it because he doesn't have a closet

Mad Larkin
I just fucking hate where I am right now and I have zero fucking control over it changing

Mad Larkin
and I've been at the end of my rope for about a month

Mad Larkin
and, I admit, I'm worried that he'll get fired from his current job, if he keeps not going in at seemingly random