The Write Stuff
[BotW] Getting our new internet installed later today so we’ve been getting the bedroom ready... but I took advantage of the process to also redecorate a bit.

The Write Stuff
Also, Korra and Asami because I don’t have a good place for them yet.

The Write Stuff
Hard to tell what my favorite Zelda ship is, isn’t it?

I şĥĩp ĩţ

I şĥĩp ĩţ
I should show you my stuff on my wall

I şĥĩp ĩţ
I got a good Korrasami print too!

The Write Stuff
Oh, nice!

this is beautiful....


so much mipha....

The Write Stuff
I love Mipha... she’s been my main as I grind through Age of Calamity (curse my completionist ways) and I’m really hoping we’ll get more merch with her for the anniversary.

The Write Stuff
More Sidon stuff would be nice too.

I şĥĩp ĩţ
Why do you not have a Mipha muse?

The Write Stuff
I dunno... I think part of it is that she's really similar to a lot of the other characters I play.

The Write Stuff
And that was kind of why I picked up Urbosa originally.

I şĥĩp ĩţ
oooh I see!

The Write Stuff
I dunno, if life ever settles down and I feel like I can RP more regularly, I might try voice testing her at some point.

I şĥĩp ĩţ
lmk if you do! My Zelda is always available for you to play off of! (I just really liked your RP style okay! lol)

I also RP as Sidon so I'd love to have a sister to tag off...?

The Write Stuff
I'll post if I ever do try to voice test her!

The Write Stuff
It's tempting, but right now my motivation to write is so limited.