Valhalla, spoilers within: Okay, still not liking gameplay, but... my heart
Desmond. Des, baby. I am so proud of you. I am so proud of the thoughts they recorded and just... Desmond
His thoughts on the Assassins and how he was forced in and... Ugh, God, Altaïr got very loud and wanted to take care of his grandson.
I love Desmond so much, and this just confirms it.
And his hints of being in the Caribbean with pirates? Oh God, I want that. I want him to have seen Edward. Shit, I want him to have seen and understood Haytham.
I'm so biased about my own Haytham headcanons but.... FUCK I want someone to have understood that, and I know it could've been Desmond.
Of everyone, I really feel like Des would be the one to understand a 'let the world burn' mentality.