I do like how this story is all of the next gen heroes. I mean, most series are, but there's like... only next gen people around. There's barely any seniors around.
Yeah, but still, it's a weird way... most would still call the masters sifu if they taught things. Otherwise the kiddies wouldn't be calling him senior sempai.
Okay so this is my take BUT I think each of them does love the other, but their temperaments are extremely different, and then there was the crush on cangse sanren which made madam Yu jealous, and over the years it just exacerbated to the point where it ended up just pain
when it comes to named ladies, 10 to 1 might be closer. We have Yanli, Mianmian, madam Yu, madam Jin, Wen Qing, and one more who is coming up in the late 30s. grandma almost counts. Lan Yi and Baoshan Sanren. and one very brief glimpse at Cangse Sanren. And that's it.
I mean.... in all the other series.... the hero, even the kind hearted ones, or the heart of gold ones... they have a very.... 'manly' feel. Even when they play with animals, it's boyish. But him.... he's... femmy is my only description
glad you enjoy it! yeah, I'd not describe WWX at femmy either, but what I personally enjoy is that he gets to be a lot more animated and show more emotions than other protagonists I can think of, he doesn't have to be stoic at all, makes him more fun to watch for me
I feel it is one of the big reasons for the drama's appeal? probably part of what stood out to me, found him more of a character than I do with some others
and the bastard will die ... pretty