/ another look at the wip
he now has actual knees!!
I might need to readjust his center of balance again tho
also in the process of repositioning that one arm
def gonna redo his upper-arm feathers later too, not a fan of this fuzzy-sleeves look
Set, a facedown
mind if i post an art-based thought?
oh yeah sure! go right ahead
his new legs look weird, the more I look at em :|a
like, not a weird I quite like
Imma def hafta keep poking at this :|aa
Set, a facedown
https://images.plurk.com/7pVeaE2o9Hw17i9AINBInc.jpg maybe?
Set, a facedown
i drew it without reference. but then i looked at this and it came out pretty close. https://imgs.plurk.com/QzH/Szh/Us0JsTT6Ni2j5bHlkNAKhi3eUVJ_lg.png |D
Set, a facedown
...you may want to view that 2nd img in its own window since plurk is a brat.
ooo, yeah that looks much better :0
Set, a facedown
np, glad to help. <3