cami but scary
actual stylesheets bc that's fun
cami but scary
cami but scary
barrow: never quick to react to anything, if something surprises him he has to take a beat and make a face about it before he'll speak
cami but scary
physicality is important, his quality of movement is heavy and languid, he's never in a hurry except when he's ultra pisst
cami but scary
temper starts to come through in little ways when he's agitated, like it's clear he's getting mad if he starts moving more quickly or focusing his attention keenly
cami but scary
speaking loudly etc
cami but scary
in general nothing is worth the effort it takes for him to get worked up over something, but when it is it's time for everyone to wish they didn't
good guy barrow
cami but scary
also important that he Does Not Reflect, pointedly. like he cares about interpersonal things to a degree but he will spend Zero time musing on morality because down that road lies ruin
Farm Goblin
i clicked here expecting some css and i am dissappointed
cami but scary
lolol as if
cami but scary
Benedict moves and talks like a princess. I was amazed the first time I watched Schitt's Creek because he basically just Is David Rose, physically
cami but scary
it's important that he is preening often and emoting with just his eyes/eyebrows, that sort of thing. he shouldn't say anything that doesn't match Generally Softspoken But Burning With Anxiety Just Under the Surface
cami but scary
unless he's happy, in which case he gets careless and says what he wants and is often an asshole about it
Farm Goblin
p1462071987 {display:none !important;}
here is css that will hide this plurk specifically
cami but scary
his posture is very good except when he's high. I try to keep in mind a really spoiled cat for a mental image, like he's either sitting upright with his paws perfectly aligned in front of him or he's completely head-to-toe sprawled across several pillows
I thought about putting actual css in here bless u Farm Goblin for actually doing it
cami but scary
also hissy and compact when he's scared/upset
cami but scary
milo's being mean to me
Farm Goblin
cami but scary
my main thing to remember with Bene is that he cares a Lot about how he appears to other people and simultaneously is very used to not caring about that, so he's just kind of all over the place in the vibe he gives off
cami but scary
Fifi only has a few rules, and they're mainly that she doesn't really talk about herself and she doesn't say if something is bothering her
cami but scary
she is the stillest pond who is just here to Absorb
cami but scary
but she also knows how to be friendly and will gladly do so as long as too much isn't expected of her
cami but scary
Mado I have to constantly remind myself is sort of twofold, he comes off as having zero emotional boundaries but is actually pretty circumspect about what he reveals about himself
stop following me, mado
cami but scary
the philosophy I hold in mind for him is pretty much 'give everything expect nothing', but being delighted if he receives affection in return and never resenting anyone otherwise
cami but scary
like he just is a dog lol, he loves people unconditionally
cami but scary
even if he dislikes someone he will hide it very well and never tell anyone
mood lol
cami but scary
cami but scary
he can be a little hard to pull off because he just has a lot of energy and is endlessly patient and genuinely optimistic
cami but scary
the main thing I'm keeping in mind for Gideon is that he has a very unexpressive face and hates Literally Everyone Here
cami but scary
like hates them
cami but scary
but that's neither here nor there
Farm Goblin
god you are so fucking lucky that i can't find a way to hide your comments in tis plurk via css
cami but scary
why would you do that!!!
Farm Goblin
i can hide your NAME or the whole plurk, but i can't quite get it to hide your entire comments specifically
Farm Goblin
to be mean
Farm Goblin
because its funny
cami but scary
stomps my foot
cami but scary
anyway Cade is completely impenetrable and just an absolute chore to try to talk to
Farm Goblin
fun fact, this will make your name show up in bright red a[data-uid="13556236"] {background:red !important;}
cami but scary
because he only reacts with his eyes and when he tries to talk he falls all over himself because he's so unsure of whether or not it's okay to say things
cami but scary
it's better to just Not
cami but scary
idk that htey all embody parts of me, I mean probably but if nothing else Barrow is how I prefer to relate to people and the world (sans Not Reflecting on Behavior), Mado is who I would have become if I were under my narcissist dad's thrall and didn't figure out boundaries, Teren is me when I'm mad about things,
cami but scary
and I think the rest are just. tropes I like
gayest uncle
cami but scary
sucks up all these eyeballs in a stripey straw