I am having some serious 9/11 flashbacks this week, and it's no fun. It's a good thing I don't need to be on a plane any time soon.
I’m so sorry to read this. Were you in NYC at the time?
Deb425 : My husband and I were on a plane, and we had friends in NYC, including one whose husband was working close enough he could see the bodies fell. He said kaddish for them.
I still remember calling a friend to let him know we were okay, because I knew he would relay it to our circle. I asked him, "Can I stop being brave now?" He said, "Yes."
Afterwards I checked the message board to make sure he'd posted about it, and saw all the responses from our friends giving thanks we weren't dead.
I remember calling my mom that evening, and she kept it together until she told me my sisters were also okay, adding, "So she's okay." Then she started crying: "My babies are all okay."
My dad had trouble grasping it; we didn't know at the time, but he was losing brain function. But he knew we'd been on a plane and that we were heading home, and he offered prayers for our safety. (When you're a PK, your parent's well trained in those.)
I’m so sorry. It was a horrific day. We live on an approach path to the airport; at times I still get an adrenaline rush and knot in my gut when there is a low flying plane. I can’t imagine having been on a plane in the midst of it all
Deb425 : We didn't really know anything until we got off the plane. The TVs in the airport were turned off. We first heard the news on a radio at a newstand. I still remember the clerk wiping her eyes as she wept for the dead.
I used to live in approach too - if you concentrated, you could pick out the massed sound of taxiing aircraft as well, over the street traffic. Grounded airplanes meant the city was quiet for the first time since... ever?