Chris Nee 🏳️🌈 on Twitter

a girl in love

a girl in love
punches the shit out of the “you may contact me for job opportunities” box

a girl in love
please god save me from figuring out how to navigate any career field in a normal manner

a girl in love
I guess I will have to like

a girl in love
make a zoom.

hgldfkhg the "how many samples are in your portfolio" question like........ as many as you want if you ask me to do a job interview my dude

a girl in love
I honestly wasn’t sure how to answer that at first cuz I was like. should I discount fic???

a girl in love
I’m also not sure my ability to write actual dialogue is that great, which I assume is pretty important for show writing, but assumedly the classes might give me a better idea of where I stand there

a girl in love
god I hope it’s ok to use fic as portfolio writing samples or I’m fucked in general

a girl in love
I guess I’ve done like4 pieces of original writing recently actually but one was a collab with Tristan, one was reaaaal short, and one was a porn commission which probably shouldn’t go on a show writing portfolio either

a girl in love
I’ve currently signed up for everything except [checks notes] the adult animation class because I hate the whole like Ugly Badly Animated Characters Make Irreverent Jokes genre and I assume that’s what they’re talking sbout

a girl in love
but maybe I should sign up fir ut too just in case it’s like “and maybe adult animation CAN do things not that in which case here’s info on how that goes”... it IS free...

sadly i would only be able to do like. one class, on account of work + timezones

a girl in love
tfw timezones

we have it all
ohhh this looks so cool

♦ DWDB-221E ♦

a girl in love
bump for more people awake at regular person hours