Reviews for the light novel: Several years ago, I read the web novel version of this story to its conclusion. It's been the measure against which every subsequent (and prior) Isekai story has been measured for me ever since.
you can argue that the life in earth is meant to be viewed negatively, and it is, but is argue, one, that it's meant as pathetic but not morally REPUGNANT. and two, the first scene i described takes place after his big turnaround in his new life
Several years ago, I read the web novel version of this story to its conclusion. It's been the measure against which every subsequent (and prior) Isekai story has been measured for me ever since.
All in all, it is a good book for those preferring the light novel to manga or for people wanting to read a good isekai story. I enjoyed it.
One of my favorite Light Novels!