About twice a year I have a pretty bad snap over the course of the day or two just regarding feeling unimportant and disposable and irritating, and selfish for that
It's the same old garbage, feeling disposable in people's lives, feeling like I'm not a staple or unreplaceable part of the lives of the people I care about.
Sorry, but aren't you the same person who made a whole Discord server for people to help each other put and lift each other up, helping us all to work on our goals?
I apologize for returning to this so late. Winter is pretty rough on me despite trying to do better with getting up at normal hours and exercising, I've fallen off again on that first regard but I'm doing my best
My social battery is basically empty and I've felt very boring and incidental to RP due to low engagement and summoning up energy for toplevels or Apps has been a struggle
And I guess my feeling unimportant is on personal levels I guess? and there's some personal failure issues feeling so bad about my struggle to find a job and my future career and such, but the job market is terrible right now and that's just life