Vincent Gogh
crisp lasagna
in Tim's defense, he was 1) dead when he got to Deerington and has 2) died once in Deerington already.
But yes, Doctor, you are DEFINITELY overthinking the pamphlets thing xD
Vincent Gogh
nod; that is fair
Vincent Gogh
but yeah, every epsiode for 60 years; and every face
Vincent Gogh
death threats get old, fast
Vincent Gogh
being told you'll be exterminated
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
there's actually a complied of every exterminated over 60 years somewhere
Vincent Gogh
now that I think about it
Vincent Gogh
crisp lasagna sorry for him being insensitive he's forgotten how it is to be afraid to die
crisp lasagna
oh, pfft, Tim's not even talking about being AFRAID to die
crisp lasagna
so much as "seeing someone say you're going to die is unnerving, ISN'T IT???"
half the people in Deer, laughing because they're already died or just don't care
Vincent Gogh
nod nod
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Yup! its a bit dated
Vincent Gogh
nothing from 12 or 13s run
Vincent Gogh
That all said what was on the funeral program, besides the death date, bothers Ten more
Vincent Gogh
because he's still not sharing what he is or where hes from
Vincent Gogh
oh wow that video is old - only got one Matt Smith in that
Vincent Gogh
Matt Smith is Doctor 11