the biggest outlier to his baseline is probably unsurprising -- when he used to teach, he had a slightly different demeanor and a matching posture. it wasn't a whole rigid ordeal, but he definitely stood up straight and adopted a more authoritative vibe
still talked with his hands, and still would occasionally lean his hips or back against the edge of a desk or other surface, but he never really sat down
He's definitely mainly shaped by nurture. His core habits and issues stem from the way he grew up -- nonexistent father, workaholic absent mother, constant independent loneliness that he ignores by filling it with hobbies or reading or working
a combo of the two probably: he demonstrates his care for somebody by providing for them because he doesn't know what in the hell he's doing but he can do tangible gestures
it's something physical and present that feels real and clear as opposed to abstract emotions that you can't really prove -- I made this or did this for you therefor you have real evidence that I love you
ironically he doesn't realize this trait is what fucked him up growing up, and he would have been happier if his mom just spent more time around him and told him that shit instead
He needs mental stimulation, and he likes physical stimulation, so if he can get both at the same time that's peak a++; that's part of why the field of engineering is so appealing to him
when he has too much downtime, his mind doesn't really slow down and relax. he can maintain that chill and ease on the surface, but internally it's usually circles and loops and contemplation
but he unironically enjoys participating in like team sports or games or whatever, like he's the guy who would legit be super pumped to jump into your family's game of badminton during your cookout and be enthusiastic the entire time
honestly, dean gets his battery recharged by being in a small group of people he cares about. not solo, not in a crowd or a bar, but if you can get his brother and his best friend and his kid or a close friend together just to play cards or watch a movie, it ups his happiness and motivation meter tremendously
he can't be idle, and if there's ever a gap or a hesitance to step up to the plate he feels immediately obligated to take responsibility even if he hates it
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
dean's entire religion is family. he worships, commits to, and bases all of his decisions around family. he will break his own moral codes for family, he will screw over strangers for family
he's had a gaping hole, a giant missing piece where his heart should be from the moment he lost it as a kid, and he clings to it desperately when he finds it elsewhere
his moral code may flex - when it's okay to kill a monster and when it isn't, why what he's doing is justified when he'd condemn someone else for it, but in his mind
31. Is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? What makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? Why?
Ian generally enjoys hanging out in a reasonably sized group, but he does not like to be the center of attention in that group. He brings a positive energy, and he's more likely to be the guy that subtly gets other people engaged or hypes them up, sets them up for success by asking them about a story or getting them talking
he enjoys watching the happiness and energy of the shit unfolding from a comfortable place on the side -- present and involved, not hiding against the wall or anything, just
So to the casual acquaintance it seems like he's always got this constant unshakable level of chill, it's hard to pinpoint if he's upset because he stays calm and mimics a version of relaxed body language, but
when he's exhausted he tends to slump, he sort of curves in on himself a little. when he's tense it's all right there in his shoulders, often accompanied by hands in his pockets or running his fingers through his hair if he's agitated. touching his face, rubbing his mouth or his beard is a pretty obvious one
energy usually comes from interest for him, he's excited and amped up by things he's curious about. talking about his projects or hypothesizing shit or even hearing people talk about themselves and things he wants to know about them get him charged
and engaging with someone he loves in a way that's fun, like going out, doing fucking karaoke or something stupid, just playing around and bouncing energy back and forth with someone is really that good shit for him
draining - frustrating illogical arguments, feeling heightened emotions he doesn't know how to deal with or have a suitable outlet for, being presented with an unsolvable problem, really any kind of interpersonal conflict will bring him down a level or two
31. Is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? What makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? Why?
first and foremost ian won't even consider hanging around somebody if he considers them to be on the Wrong side of an opinion, like he's staunchly liberal and there's no room in him to hang out with someone that's
opposed to gay marriage or on the wrong side of the whole a woman's body being her choice thing, anybody who would willingly and knowingly hurt somebody else is just
he also can't handle people who go to emotional extremes, like you know the kind that just break down crying or yell and scream, obnoxiously hog the spotlight - he might not completely avoid them or anything but they're not his type and no real redeeming qualities will outweigh it for him
positive deal-breakers that immediately sucker him in - he likes clever people, regardless of the way it presents. if you can be clever while still being personable & not having a condescending superiority vibe, he's quickly taken with it
he talks with his hands, he sort of wanders around, leans against things, twists his body when he's seated to better face someone he's talking to when he's excited
but when he's not having that same kind of dream in various settings, his dreams tend to tell nonsensical stories -- especially when he smokes before bed. he doesn't really remember them because they usually aren't super significant and they don't hold much meaning to him
Dean - 10, 14, 31
6. What are they like in motion in different environments, and in different activities? What causes the differences between these?
17. Are they more shaped by nature or nurture — who they are, or what has happened to them? How have these shaped who they’ve become as a person?
30. What is their preferred level of activity and stimulation? How do they cope if they get either too little or too much?
10. What energizes and drains them most?
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
31. Is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? What makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? Why?
>find a case
>do the research
>locate the monster
>kill the monster
>end of hunt
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
9. How do they manifest energy, exhaustion, tension, or other strong emotions?
10. What energizes and drains them most?
31. Is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? What makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? Why?
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like?