I need a new lawnmower this year. My 20 year old self propelled mower has rusted through the deck and may spew grass clippings at me while in operation.
time for a new one!
Swamp Daddy
We have one like this at work.
It’s battery powered so that means lower maintenance requirements and no need for gas. It seems just as powerful as a gas mower. I was really impressed when I used it. It folds up and doesn’t take up much space when not in use.
Needs to run for an hour so between charges. I have a 1/4 acre lot. And 1 fairly steep hill area.
Swamp Daddy
The mgr at work took it home to mow his yard and he said it ran for a little over an hour on one battery; it comes with two batteries.
That might work. But a gas mower costs a couple hundred dollar less here.
Swamp Daddy
Until you buy gas for it over the life of the machine. Don’t for get oil changes, and spark plugs that need to be changed every so often.
Swamp Daddy
I use a reel mower at my home. I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s nice not having to buy gas and the extra maintenance that gas mowers have.