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[voms vs cuphead] I see they've gotten to the part of the game that made me start to turn against cuphead
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the first shmup stage, against the moon lady
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where the gemini form has an attack that fires in a completely random direction with literally zero frames of windup
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games that look amazng but I don't like very much: cuphead, persona 5
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tomoshika with her shotgun attack not even reaching the boss like "I'm helping"
That was driving me so nuts
Just take one step forward Tomoshika, I’m begging you
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I am deeply not a fan of the animation for the smoke dash
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where you just disappear in a poof and reappear somewhere else with a poof
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so much is going on on the screen that it's just a great opportunity to lose track of where you are and fucking die
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I don't think tmsk has lived to the end of any stage
Towards the end of the stream she goes off and solos the entire back half of a boss, redeeming herself
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