Doesn't have to be someone I play!
kermit the frog
Platinum : I don't have a lot of opinions lol
I appreciate the character but never thought much about him beyond that!
departed 👻
departed 👻 : I thought you'd come in here with revenge for the left-field response lmao
1. How I feel about this character:

Tex is my 1 girl and I have admired her strength and determination a lot over the years. She doesn't let hard situations break her down, and I really appreciate that.
2. All my romantic ships with this character:

All my ships? That might be a long list...but the main one I can say I've seen that i really do dislike is Tex/Sarge. Otherwise...I can ship her with pretty much anyone in the show but Carolina (for obvious reasons).
3. All my non-romantic ships with this character:

Again, a long list. Friendships with York and North are at the top of the list, of course.
I can't even think how else to express it but Tex is a lot friendlier than some people give her credit for
4. One of my unpopular opinions about this character:

Well, that one above might be one. I think Tex is an extrovert.
5. One thing I wish would happen to this character:

Thankfully, due to Kathleen's falling out with RT, it's likely to happen, but that's that they leave her alone now
I didn't like how they brought her back for s15 and I could have done without it
The Director
Bippy : The Director

1. How I feel about this character:

Ah, my problematic son. He's an asshole and he shouldn't have done most of anything he did in his entire life, but we have Freelancer trauma to play with now, so wasn't it all worth it?

2. My romantic ships:

Pretty much Allison and Tex. I don't ship him with Aiden and I don't hateship him with Hargrove.
3. My non-romantic ships:

Aiden and him putting their heads together, and also Florida being a lapdog for him. Maybe some Wyoming too.
4. Unpopular opinion:

Mm, I don't know? I know there's people who think because I'm writing his life story that I'm a "director apologist" but I'm really not
He's just fascinating to me for making all the wrong choices when he should have moved on
5. One thing I wish would happen to this character:

I wrote an AU (before we knew it was AU) of him going to prison and really, that's the one
He got off easy, really
1. How I feel about this character:

I love him, he's such a stupid little asshole lol
I mean, he's smart
But he's so stupid
You know?
Like, he's able to be such a people person while also telling dumb jokes and insulting people
And he's book smart enough to be able to break high-tech locks while also breaking himself out of the hospital ama
2. My romantic ships:

Mm...everybody? York is my fandom bicycle. The only one I really don't ship him with is Wash (as far as Freelancers go) because of the lack of respect on his part - lack of respect is a big turn-off of ships for me
3. My non-romantic ships:

I love York being buddies with everyone, but not Wyoming
Wyoming hates him too much, lol
4. Unpopular opinion:

I don't know if I have any! Again, haha
5. One thing I wish would happen to this character:

Not dying the way he did would be a good start, lol
donprisciotte : hm I thought I had the spray bottle emote but I don't
Anyway, Hargrove
1. How I feel about this character:

He's a good foil for the Director and it's just a shame they never revealed anything about why they hate each other so much. Of course, that gives people like me more room in fic to do shit, so
2. My romantic ships:

Hargrove is really fairly asexual in my way of thinking. He cares about power and money and not sex
3. My non-romantic ships:

/points at my above response about how all he cares about is power and money
4. Unpopular opinion:

I have no idea what's popular to believe about Hargrove but
I think his obsession with Freelancer came directly out of Leonard's attacks on Charon
And Leonard attacked Charon because Hargrove saw him as a peon
5. One thing I wish would happen to this character:

Starts chanting "prison, prison, prison"
ahahahhahah well you got what you wanted
Did I? I don't remember what happens to him at all
they didn't show it onscreen but he got arrested