ugh. executive function sucks.
I have to move to do the thing but I don't want to move to do the thing
Anything I can do?
Nah I called off cause I'm lazy but whatever
Sometimes a mental health day is needed
I feel like I took one yesterday though lol
More than one, brains are weird. <3
meh my neighbor doesn't care she said she didn't feel well today anyway and none of us want covid
Icarian Habits
One thing that sometimes helps me with executive function shit is a buddy going “if you do the thing, I’ll do a thing on my end.”
Icarian Habits
Like “if you go eat, I’ll get out of bed.” Or “if you go do groceries, I’ll cook dinner.”
Icarian Habits
If you ever need a buddy, feel free to tag me in.
Icarian Habits
I’m usually procrastinating on something.
will do. if I feel unmotivated tomorrow it will happen
Icarian Habits
Good. Now I just need to find someone to give me a reason to get out of bed.
I just had lunch, try getting out of bed?
Icarian Habits
Mmm, food does sound good.
good noms. if you get up you can get the nom noms