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OK I need to talk about Shutter Island. Full spoilers
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because I've been thinking about this
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here's the basic structure of Shutter Island
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it's 1954
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Leonardo DiCaprio shows up at a prison slash mental institution on an island (Shutter Island)
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he's an investigator police guy
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trying to solve a Big Mystery
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and uncovering like weird shit involving nazi psychology experiments and missing people who are living in caves on the cliffside and shit
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and the Big Twist in the third act
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is that Leonardo DiCaprio is a patient at the asylum, not a cop investigating it
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and he's been indulging in fantasies about made up conspiracies and shit
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and the big finale is the kindly staff of the asylum trying to get him to embrace the reality of what he did
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which was killing his wife after she killed his kids
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and like
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let's talk about the staff
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in the first 2 acts, they're portrayed as this like secretive conspiratorial hellstaff who are abusing their power and doing evil nazi science and shit
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then in the third act it pulls away from Leo's perspective to show Reality
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and the staff are now framed as like, concerned and nice and doing their best to help people
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but here's the thing.
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in the climax, when they are trying to get Leo to wake up to reality
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the reason it's tense is because this is the last time they're gonna try it
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before the order comes down and they uhhhhhh
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lobotomize him
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So Like.
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How kindly and compassionate is this staff.
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If they do for real lobotomies.
Niamh Vibes
oh that's why you remembered this movie
isn't the 1950s an era where lobotomies were still considered like, valid treatment for mental disorders?
Lobotomization was, unfortunately, an extremely common procedure in the 1950s
sailor bii
You're Quinner
it's time period accurate yeah but like
Niamh Vibes
terrifying shit
sailor bii
they did it to one of the kennedy kids, rosemary
You're Quinner
that line sure changes my perception of the story and characters