Hazard Kitten
hot take: in the war between New York and Chicago style, Detroit-style Pizza is the best Pizza.
Himbo Agenda
What... is Detroit-style pizza?
Hazard Kitten
Detroit is a thick crust pizza (a bit like the pan pizzas) where they put the cheese on first, then the sauce, then toppings
Himbo Agenda
That sounds fucking delicious, negl.
Bolt Vanderhuge
Sounds heretical at thick-crust.
Bolt Vanderhuge
(just playing, of course)
Hazard Kitten
Bread is key to pizza
Hazard Kitten
Crispy exterior, bread-y interior for the chew and better absorption of flavors.
Kαтѕσηα 2025✰
that's just cheesy bread with sauce on top
Kαтѕσηα 2025✰
i approve
Kαтѕσηα 2025✰
saves me from having to dip
Hazard Kitten
and there's usually other toppings such as pepperoni so it's the whole package
Kung Fu Chef
For someone who used to live relatively near Detroit, I've never had this kind of pizza. Sounds good
Doge-lover Joja
little Caesar's claims their deep-deep-dish is based on the detroit style, but the layer structure is bread-sauce-cheese-toppings
NekoInc, MSPM
I feel like this could work if I found a place that did it fresh