St. Haint
Remember when you could buy software instead of renting it monthly?
St. Haint
pirates the 2013 version of the software while grumbling in old man.
La Comtesse
St. Haint
That. And also quickbooks
La Comtesse
I've been moving over to Krita, which has most of the features and is free, so maybe that'll help.
St. Haint
Oh, yeah. I have Krita and Gimp. (Krita, weirdly, shows up with all of the menus WAY too tiny on Windows 10), but I've used PS for so long that I like having it
St. Haint
Also for easy 3D rendering of basic flat pieces
St. Haint
Annnd....I may have to give up on Quickbooks. Something in windows keeps deleting the exe file in the patch when I download it. (disabled everything I can find, but no luck). Not sure the features I like will work anymore anyway, but all the alternatives are ALSO pay monthly