alleys, narrow residential area - 15 mph
business districts, school, some residential area - 20
some business districts, public park, ocean shores - 25
most rural highways, tricks on most interstates - 55
other vehicles besides trucks on most interstates - 65
Scan 12 secs at least ahead of your vehicles

Stay 3-4 secs distance when u follow a motorcycle

The display distance of fog lights cannot be more than 75 feet

Cars must park 7.5 feet away from the railroad

Stay 500 feet away from the emergency vehicles
Renewal licence c fee is 40, 60 for the brand new one

If u refuse to take any kinda test that the police ask u to do, u may get a conviction cost 650$
Over 40% of accident happen in the transition zone of work area

Ur licence plate light must make people within 50 feet can see ur license plates

Ur brake might be broken when it is 1.5 inches far from the floor

Local highways doesn't need route signs

3rd and sebsequent DUII is felonies and their driver license will be suspended for a year
Dim ur headlight when u follow a big vehicle at night, because the light might blind the driver

Dim ur light within 500 feet of the oncoming car, and when following another car within 200 feet

Turn ur front wheel forward to the hill when u stop on a downhill

Alcohol is a depressant

The vihecle travel uphills always have the right of way
Up to 500$ can be cost of the first DUI conditions

Park ur car within 12 inches of the curb

Seating away from the wheel steering from at least 12 inches

No standing means u can pick up the passenger but no parking