not a bumblebee
robotnik grumping grumpily at the holiday professional summit party thing

not a bumblebee
eats all the snacks

not a bumblebee
parties are not fun

miles you ass
i should ask if i can jump in, i've severely dropped the ball on their cr

not a bumblebee
free pastries

miles you ass

miles you ass
if deon can sneak in to talk robots that would be cool also, but yes!!! holiday party shenanigans with slade and miles

not a bumblebee
robotnik certainly doesn't care who's supposed to be at the thing or not, he didn't inspect the guest list

miles you ass
slade be nice he's like six foot two and 150 lbs of neurotic catboy

not a bumblebee
catboy who gotta answer a few questions

miles you ass
little wings fluffed out