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okay so tomorrow; I have a dentist cleaning; some Covid-related things
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need to pick up my comic books before non-essential is closed down
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and there's the other half of the laundry to do over the next few days
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and digging out some toys for the Christmas village
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so soon! I will have my checklist done; its been a busy a week and making it had to focus
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thankfully groceries is light this week
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but I also have to keep in mind I dont want to go shopping next week
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I know from having been in groceries in a non Covid
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how it is two days before Christmas
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I am so glad I am on medical leave this year. o.o
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long long lines
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and thats a usual thing without Covid
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yes I am glad you are too
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because I expect people to have the same pattern sadly
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Anyways I think by Friday I'll be able to focus on RP
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at least for Friday I have weekend plans
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and Thrusday I shouldnt be as worn down
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I got $200 worth of food and fluids and I have to walk a mile plus with that
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anyways just musing my week because I do want to sit down and focus more proper on RP
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and I have a feeling with how New York is shutting down non essential next week
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IL might too
Mass. has rolled back Phase 2 and I suspect going back to Phase 1 and a return to lockdown aren't far behind...
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/return hugs/
Well, the upside is, as a grocery worker, I qualify for the second round of vaccines, so sometime in February-ish. I can hopefully get the shot and get back to work.