tsuchinoko real
[mute/virus alert]
tsuchinoko real
cool cool cool love my 63 year old asthmatic father being a loony covid denier
tsuchinoko real
and telling me i'm "living in fear" and "falling for the propaganda" because i want to be careful about it
tsuchinoko real
99% survival rate is still thousands of people dying a day but because the bodies aren't literally piling up in the streets it's nbd
tsuchinoko real
never mind that I AGREE that the govt has failed people and businesses in every possible way in handing this
tsuchinoko real
i think covid is dangerous therefore i am a sheeple
tsuchinoko real
baah baah
you would love to be a sheep people, jokes on him
tsuchinoko real
i try so hard not to talk politics with him because it's like talking to a brick wall
tsuchinoko real
if he'd just let me EXPLAIN he'd probably see that we agree on more than he thinks but every time I tried he'd just fire back with 99% SURVIVAL RATE
Poinsettia 🌺
Hey I could talk to him if you want
tsuchinoko real
no he's convinced you're going to turn into a zombie when you get the vaccine
Poinsettia 🌺
Poinsettia 🌺
Well i don’t need to eat his brain
The only thing you can really do with these types is tell them you refuse to talk about this with them, sadly
tsuchinoko real
why couldn't trump fucking die from it, really
Because all they care about is being Smarter Than You
tsuchinoko real
i really think that would've been the only way to get through to people who think like this
Poinsettia 🌺
Empathy has died and they think they’re the smartest people in the room
Poinsettia 🌺
Facts over feelings, they say
I mean, I guess you could also jab them with a sewing needle every time they open their mouth, but that's harder to do
tsuchinoko real
i'm so tired
The worst thing about sheeple is. Sheep live in herds so they don't fucking die. Congrats, he's saying you know how to stay safe.
my-mother-is-this-way solidarity... grips fist
she, the one who breaks ribs for coughing too hard and whatnot, would rather "catch it and get it over with", and also shuts down any protest I have with "99% SURVIVAL RATE"... why...
decaf coffee
oh no if Trump died from it they'd scream liberal hoax assassination
tsuchinoko real
LORD you'd think telling your sickly parent I WOULD PREFER YOU NOT GET SICK AND DIE would count for something
tsuchinoko real
but nah being concerned for their wellbeing is just drinking the kool aid
yes. taking precautions is giving into fear. That's why no one wears seatbelts