New Shibe
plurk spam but man this is a weird gossip plurk that I need to make about old hetalia twitter friends

oh boy oh boy

peeks in to gossip

New Shibe
but anyways, way back in ye olde hetalia fandom days, I knew a group of folks out in NYC that I'd occasionally fly out to visit for like. vacation and new years

New Shibe
chief among this group was a literal operatic drama queen and her...interesting. relationship. with her two girlfriends

New Shibe
or more like one girlfriend and one sort of part time girlfriend

New Shibe
anyway it was weird and toxic and the opera drama queen was insanely toxic as a person, would literally flounce out of conversations because she was ~offended~ and shit

New Shibe
but whatever I wasn't too close with her, and the "part time" girlfriend managed to escape the relationship and is now happily married, but a few years down the line I found out that she and her other girlfriend had gotten married

New Shibe
which like. okay you do you but man the other girl could have gotten so much better and did not deserve the weird abusive bullshit that this drama queen put her through.

New Shibe
anyway, I hear from neither of them for years on end, so it goes with online friendships

New Shibe
fast forward a few more years and I find out that they are now divorced and the former girlfriend is now a lawyer, more actively posting on twitter again, and lamenting the fact that she did not give herself a divorce cake for the occasion.

New Shibe
and im happy to see her around again because I genuinely liked her, and I'll like casually interact with her tweets but mostly the gossip in my heart is just like. I want to know what happened there

New Shibe
how did you finally wise up to the fact that this woman was toxic garbage and you deserved better?

New Shibe
but anyways that's it there's no real big gossip here I just selfishly want to know how this toxic drama queen got kicked to the curbv

New Shibe
I think the only people on plurk who probably know who I'm talking about are
y yo a ti, cas

it is still a joyous disccovery

🎉congrats on her freedom

New Shibe
right like. im so glad

New Shibe
she was also getting into MDZS lately so good shit

chilly pepper
oh good for her honestly

SHE GOT DIVORCED???? Excellent news

New Shibe
: she got divorced!!

Good for her!!!

Those were. Times.

New Shibe
they sure were...

no bones
OH MY GOD if this is the same people that i knew from FFXII fandom a year or two before they went for Hetalia....

New Shibe
like. i was glad when L got out of it but since P is out too now it's just. good. the evil has been defeated

no bones
then i'm so glad for her

no bones
i'm so glad for her

no bones
opera drama queen was indeed a terrible person to basically everyone who gave her the time of day

New Shibe
no bones
: I mean none of them are on plurk so it's mith, puel, and linden

no bones
i'm so glad

New Shibe

Puel is freeeee

no bones
i lost touch with puel because of mith being so extremely mith

no bones
that's so good

no bones
she can have her life back

So did we

New Shibe
she's active on twitter again!! I've been vaguely reconnecting and it's nice

I think we all cut ties because of Mith

New Shibe
lol right, mith was such toxic garbage

I think I remember hearing some of these stories and good for the gal who got out!!

New Shibe
both gals are free of mith now!

no bones
will also remember the awful mith period

lol yes mith had THINGS TO SAY about that

no bones
i have literally heard mith brag about telling a homeless man he didn't deserve her money because he didn't bring anything valuable to the world

no bones
and that is now my gold standard for poeple being proud of the worst possible behavior

The world revolved around her

no bones
and the peerless gifts she had to offer to a public that needed to grovel at all times

And the thing is she genuinely has a draw to her, I had a crush on her for a time and I was EXTREMELY MAD ABOUT IT because I didn’t WANT to date her and KNEW it was bad

New Shibe
she was definitely charismatic but also hot garbage

Katy can attest. But anyway yeah was extremely pleased when THAT passed yikes

New Shibe
yeah. glad that evil was purged from you

no bones
yes dang, congrats on getting out of that without being mired in the garbage swamp

Oh! I'm so glad they are free

And yeah mith had charisma! But oof.

I feel like you should give her a big digital cake

New Shibe
haha, I should. I have at least encouraged her to celebrate her divorce anniversary every year

New Shibe
no bones
: also idk how much you guys knew Linden but she's published now! and won a hugo

A cake from all of us

New Shibe
right. i might DM her to see if I can get her address to send her holiday candies

New Shibe
not quite a cake but the same thought

i remember these!


no bones
omg, good for linden! thats' so cool

New Shibe
: OH YES. you would know them too

New Shibe
no bones
: yeah!! she publishes under Arkady Martine

I just realized she and I are still friends on my old Twitter so I am CATCHING UP

New Shibe
yess excellent

y yo a ti, cas
i haven't read this all but i just thought of them recently and saw they were recently talking on tumblr with each other

y yo a ti, cas
i can't wait to catch up

New Shibe
o nice!! i haven't been on tumblr in forever, lol


less judgey waver and more popcorn but I don't have popcorn

this was a wild ride

New Shibe
: wave can judge mith, mith deserves to be judged

Miths favorite thing was Der Ring des Nibelungen by Wagner and I feel like that really tells you most of what you need to know about her

i wonder if mith ever self reflected

probably not

New Shibe
almost certainly not

i mean my strongest memory of mith was her ~edgy~ hetalia fanfics and how she swore those were better than literally anything else and how dare anyone criticize her

i mean, that's how she was with anything

no bones
yeah that's how i remember her XII fic too, with a side of "my ship is canon, you plebs" (no ships were canon except the one that got axed in the prologue)

New Shibe
it's true. I remember when she threw a hissy fit because no one liked her weird dessert she made for one of her edgy hetalia rarepairs at her new years party

i am glad i was not super close to her, she sounded exhausting

no bones
were you all fools for not understanding her baking genius

New Shibe
not only that but it was clearly a slight against her pairing because the other desserts were more popular

no bones

New Shibe
tbh i spent more of my time during my nyc visits hanging out with Alex/moonsheen and Linden than in the company of mith/puel

yeah i think out of all of them Linden was the one I spent the most time with

we went to Disney World haha

y yo a ti, cas
what's puel's twitter now

y yo a ti, cas
i remember after otakon being like, mith is too much and everyone was like NO SHE'S FINE but i knew

y yo a ti, cas
i knew!!!

y yo a ti, cas
anyone who can command a room like she could but is either unaware of it, or doesn't care, and thus actively dominates every situation she's in, is bad

y yo a ti, cas
i remember going to the hotel room and she had people like, fanned out around her

y yo a ti, cas
like she was holding court

y yo a ti, cas
and how she'd talk about her own writing, oh my gosh

y yo a ti, cas
she is such an exhausting person

y yo a ti, cas
and yet i completely understand why people were drawn to her bc she was just, so charismatic

This sounds like the sort of person one could write about in a novel and nobody would believe it

Like I have MET people like that but it's always just like, how are you real

y yo a ti, cas
she would sing during her job at the MET as security and would get in trouble bc she... was security.... being loud... and she'd complain about they were CRUSHING HER SPIRIT

oh yeah like

she definitely seems like. a character of some sort

she is VERY compelling

just. also. terrible

and Katy, Puel's twitter is still the same

y yo a ti, cas
ooh okay

y yo a ti, cas
: also i am sorry for you dealing with me during that time

New Shibe
yeah puel hasn't changed her twitter

New Shibe
also I remember that disney world trip!!

New Shibe
the hetalia risk game

New Shibe
Mith was just...so bad

y yo a ti, cas
: i love and accept you
