Despite my earlier complaints I have been running alts through the Maw.
At least for production purposes. I'll need a tailor/enchanter, an alchemist, and possibly a scribe and a gatherer for each side.
If anyone wants 32 slot bags, you can drop all your Lightless Silk on Karaelle. 15 silk per bag and no raid/dungeon ingredients required.
I just ran through my first since we have opened up legendary crafting on my main
Neavni (Warlock) got to 53.4 on a Venthyr Thread of Fate, and is now resting. Got killed a couple of times, annoyingly.
How does that play? The reactions I've seen are that it isn't any faster, just different.
I've started everyone on the story track because I want a chance to actually try out all the covenant abilities before choosing.
: You get a 'threat' that you can't change it once you've chosen, and no Maw access (oh, hurt me hurt me). That 3.5 levels was from random Ember Ward questing, and some WQs. You get a couple of the FPs automatically. I have anima rewards, but no way to turn them in yet, so my reservoir is going to get a nice jumpstart!
BTW, finding where the Prince is when you first get dropped off at Sinfall is cruel and unusual. I mean, I've gone through the zone already, and I still had to re-discover the stairs down that 'well'.
Oho, the plot thickens! There's a 'Helping Revendreth' quest the Prince gives you, for a big chunk of XP - Neavni's just over 54 now. He then sends you back to Oribos to go help another realm!
(You also get a point of Renown, nice.)