Mrs. Sheepie
looks at AC
Mrs. Sheepie
stares at 2+ months of Tyler and especially Entrapta getting by on the skin of their teeth from last-minute tags
Mrs. Sheepie
stares at zero tags for Entrapta this month at all
Entrapta has a bunch of tags on Scorpia's intro though?
Mrs. Sheepie
Mrs. Sheepie
I am struggling with them tho, either way. I have little bursts like one week in three and then just radio silence from them
yeah, that's hard. is it like a time of the year thing or...?
Mrs. Sheepie
Entrapta keeps wanting to work on things that don't require other people so she has no reason to tag out, and Tyler is in Domestic Cosiness and just has little drive to reach out and engage in bullshit
Mrs. Sheepie
And also covid and uni and jobhunting irl
Gay Priest
God, honestly, that's the same issue I'm having with Lydia. She's comfy where she is right now.
I could toss some domestic cute shit at Entrapta with Winter?
frankly I'm only barely hanging on in VR myself. if you wind up dropping Entrapta, Winter's going, too
sailor bii
i've got a tag-out to lydia's inbox with steven
sailor bii
if that'll help with her
Gay Priest
kf;lskdfe Yeah, it's mostly be trying to drag her ass out of metaphorical sleep.
sailor bii
tyler does have a few tags with steven also
Mrs. Sheepie
I love VR and all you guys a lot but there's just not much to do and my brain is sliding off of everything
Mrs. Sheepie
I always feel bad dropping characters bc of their CR, ahah
I need some tags with Sento so if you want to do something real quick, I can help
but yeah, I know the feeling, haha, I keep having to scrape together stuff for Sento too
Gay Priest
If you need to drop, then drop, dude. Like I get that and have had to do it myself before. 'Sides, you aren't getting rid of me either way.
Mrs. Sheepie
Gay Priest
Mrs. Sheepie
I am haruhi, it me
Mrs. Sheepie
Oh wait that's kyoya isn't it
Gay Priest
That's Kyouya, yeah
Gay Priest
Is them when they were bitties in the white uniforms
Gay Priest
Man, now I just wanna RP Tamaki again
Mrs. Sheepie
my wife used to play one of the twins
Mrs. Sheepie
I could not tell you which
Gay Priest
lfkjsdf Nice
sailor bii
if it helps, i think tyler and lydia are both okay for november
Mrs. Sheepie
I think the part where I was shocked and vaguely disappointed that Entrapta did have AC is probably as good a sign as any
sailor bii
sailor bii
sailor bii
(okay, lydia only has seven comments in that thread but. that's still better than nothing)
Mrs. Sheepie
Gay Priest
Mrs. Sheepie
Steven would get Isis at least
Mrs. Sheepie
And Tyler was there for nearly nine whole months so I feel less bad about that
sailor bii
sailor bii
are you dropping him now?
sailor bii
or are you waiting until the end of the week?
sailor bii
also, will you still help write the log for the player plot?
Mrs. Sheepie
I will absolutely still help write the player plot we made
Mrs. Sheepie
I might just drop now so I don't have to worry about it tho
Gay Priest
If you do, let me know. I... might be following in that trend.
sailor bii
I'll be sad to see Tyler and Entrapta go but I understand
sailor bii
gimme a moment to edit the heist i just submitted
sailor bii
i will also be sad
sailor bii
and steven will be properly freaked out that tyler's gone within days of him coming back
Gay Priest
Could finally bring in Argo and Fitz. No, ignore me.
Mrs. Sheepie
sailor bii
i mean you COULD
sailor bii
and Shinobu does have a boyfriend that would be appable if Tyler vanished
Mrs. Sheepie
sailor bii
i mean
Mrs. Sheepie
okay just submitted my drops, cacopheny jsyk
yeah I've been following this. thanks for the heads up <3
Winter is proooooobably going, too. unless I really feel like milking some depressed murder machine
Shinobu will miss Tyler, but you do (well, did) what you need to
sailor bii
Gay Priest
Followed suit on that, oops.
sailor bii
do what you gotta
sailor bii
do you want to handwave that it was ICly tomorrow or thursday?
sailor bii
just so steven can get the keys from him
Mrs. Sheepie
whichever works for you <3
sailor bii
so they can see what good, subtle criminals they are.

Well. Except for Tyler. Because Arceus yeeted him home literally the day after they went out to place the skimmers.
sailor bii
i'm editing the rocket mission i put in that tyler was on
Mrs. Sheepie
Mrs. Sheepie
Gay Priest
By the way, Rika, if you ever want to do anything PSL related or w/e with these morons in the future, just lemme know. I'd be down for low stakes shit there, lmfao.
sailor bii
sailor bii
basically tyler was there and did his part and then arceus yeeted him home
Mrs. Sheepie
Mrs. Sheepie
here's his team if anyone wants something that's not Isis
sailor bii
steven might want to grab teller at least, since mesmer would like being with his daddy
I'm presuming Entrapta's entourage would stick with Winter?
Mrs. Sheepie
Mrs. Sheepie
Leslie in particular will gremlin up to him
Leslie ;.;
Mrs. Sheepie
he's in his lvl80s by now
sailor bii
I think a lot of the ones that people don't take will end up as Pokemon employees of fight club
Mrs. Sheepie
makes sense
Mrs. Sheepie
there's a lvl100 dusknoir just haunting the basement now
sailor bii
Steven likes him very much
Mrs. Sheepie
jester just living down there rent free setting up pranks on people
sailor bii
of course
𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑦𝑎 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑦
Armin will be sad but when a character has run its course, it has run its course
Scorpia will take such good care of Squee
she is now living her best life surrounded by Pokemon who give great hugs (Scorpia, no. Scorpia, YES)