July, July
It's a sign you've read too much fucking fanfic when you start a fic, and you can immediately identify what specific subtypes of fic that author either writes or reads a shit ton of for an entirely different fandom and you go and check and it's correct.

July, July
I need to go wash my brain out with soap, there's clearly too much useless knowledge of fandom nonsense in it.

July, July
This is absolutely useless information to retain

don't forget you're here forever

July, July
This isn't information that will ever help me in life.

July, July
And if it does?

July, July
I need to be taken out back and kicked in the face a few times.

July, July
Because at that point I've become the protagonist of a fanfic-focused take of Ready Player One and I need to be saved from myself.


i'm real curious what kind of fics these were now

July, July
The subtype was HP pureblood society fics.

that is a very specific subtype i didn't even know was a thing

oh I used to read those a million years ago