[Animorphs] I pulled The Warning (aka The One With The Internet) for an interlibrary hold today and God this book is so painfully 90's
Jake's modem dialing and connecting at 38,400 bps
God I love books that remind of things like this lol.
I never read the series but I had friends that did and it seemed reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally cool.
If you ever get the urge, the books are out of print but the author gave her blessing to put them up for free online
IT'S SO 90s
Rabbit Crimes
I mostly watched the show as a kid but man the books were the kind of thing we all fought over at the library
"The Spice Girls? They suck, but I don't know if they're Controllers." lmao
I got around halfway through the series and just fell out of the habit, I do want to pick them back up some day though
Short Tailed
"Xena, Warrior Princess" - Rachel
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yearofthecat: I can throw you a link in a bit?
Short Tailed
chinhands here Animorphs is a trip to read to see the 90's references
Short Tailed
.... but the series takes on a dark, serious tone and it was wild to see that on a reread as an adult
lmao this book is great
so dated on the front end, such trauma in the middle, and that whole ending.
miles you ass
I love this one so much
miles you ass
And Animorphs is the shit
Short Tailed
andalite! : I appreciate the display name + background
/thumbs up
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