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[sw/mando spoilers???] this is the dumbest thing i've ever read
holy shit, why would anyone type this
spacey witchmas
oh my god what no
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ben would be like 4.... at this time, he's 4
spacey witchmas
fuck off, no. the child is out there somewhere being a smol yoda
spacey witchmas
I mean I assume this person meant later, but yeah
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he wont train at luke's temple for another 6 years -- and then the massacre doesn't happen for another 13...ish?
spacey witchmas
that's way too dark for even for sw
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i dont think baby yoda is gonna train at luke's temple, he doesn't need training
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anyways the reactions to this week's episode have really even turned me off from wanting to watch it LMAO
spacey witchmas
it's not bad but it really is just a showcase for Ahsoka
spacey witchmas
it would have been cool on its own without the unfortunate Rosario Dawson transphobia accusations
spacey witchmas
she did fine with the role
spacey witchmas
it's just impossible to watch it and be like hell yeah Ahsoka
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i'm sure she was fine with it but it kind of tampers the character, you know?
Yeah, she's fine but it DOES colour your thoughts. me like "I would be enjoying the hell out of this if not for the glaring transphobia that everyone went back to ignoring"
spacey witchmas
and otherwise nothing amazing happens
spacey witchmas
she won't train the Child bc of Reasons
spacey witchmas
and the Child gets a totally forgettable name
shit I did already forget it lmao
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another thing that bothers me and its not as severe as the transphobia but it bothers me anyways: her lekuu isn't long enough
honestly I understood the IC reasoning she wouldn't train the child
spacey witchmas
yeah they said that was for filming stuntwork
spacey witchmas
yeah I think it's fine for her not to train the child, but in that event it just becomes another "Mando meets someone from another show"
yeah, I have some beef with how all the cool women characters are just like hi/bye
(I mean again rather they'd be played by better people but ykwim)
spacey witchmas
last week: here's Bo Katan playing the role of NPC
spacey witchmas
this week: the plot NPC will be played by... rolls dice... Ahsoka Tano
honestly bo katan deserved 2000% more screen time
spacey witchmas
it could have been anyone
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omara, bo katan, the armorer, that awesome bounty hunter from last season who died but i forgot her name
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it feels like they're just shoving in other characters and... for what....
they're fan servicing at us I guess?
spacey witchmas
yeah, it doesn't feel like an arc this season at all
like "hey other fans here's ya girl. for 3.5 seconds"
spacey witchmas
it's just Mando goes somewhere, gets told to go somewhere else
spacey witchmas
does some adventure shit
spacey witchmas
doesn't really matter what, it won't be relevant again
spacey witchmas
the first season was so much better than this, I'm mad
my husband and I were talking and he was like "yeah I wish there was more of a CAST for this show"
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i loved last season but this one has been a pretty mixed bag so far
spacey witchmas
Ahsoka on her own would have been badass
spacey witchmas
but Ahsoka in this context
spacey witchmas
and I was like, I don't really care too much about Mando himself as a person, I care about him because of baby yoda and thats enhhhh
spacey witchmas
I even cared about Mando more last season
now I'm just holding out for Thrawn
spacey witchmas
idk anything about Thrawn so I'm like
I love his dynamic with the kid too!
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but even that's kind of growing stale for me
spacey witchmas
great more shit I gotta read
I never read any Thrawn, he's in Rebels
and Rebels is really good imo
spacey witchmas
I don't want to have to branch out to more things to enjoy the thing I'm watching
spacey witchmas
I'll get to Rebels one day
spacey witchmas
if I ever finish Clone Wars
that is totally fair, that's why I have trouble getting into comics
I mean getting BACK into comics
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great found family dynamic, wonderful characters
spacey witchmas
I was just griping about this when watching Star Trek Discovery tbh
Rebels is better than TCW I'm not sorry I said it
spacey witchmas
Trek has just as much lore but PUTS IT IN THE SHOW YOU'RE WATCHING
spacey witchmas
it'll be a reference that ties into something else but you don't need to watch that something else
spacey witchmas
it's just there, in the actual thing
Michelle yeah, I like knowing what the fuck anyone is talking about haha
spacey witchmas
that's always been my problem with SW
spacey witchmas
"there's all this deeper lore etc etc" well it sure as shit isn't in the movies
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also new star wars is doing this a lot and its kind of frustrating
spacey witchmas
I've watched nine goddamn movies
yeah, catering to old fans while ignoring your new fans is a BAD LOOK
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"this was explained.... in that book you never read"
spacey witchmas
if watching nine movies doesn't tell me most of what I need to appreciate it, I'm out
spacey witchmas
honestly tho you got a point!
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and with the movies you can get the baseline gist but there's a lot of surface details that just get lost
they could just explain it in the new thing you're watching imo
spacey witchmas
sorry I'm having a weird anxiety attack and it makes me overly aggressive with my hot takes lolol
"oh yes, bo katan was the leader of mandalore bc blah" or "thrawn is this dude who blah blah"
so you're like, okay, well now I don't have to go watch 100 years of animation
spacey witchmas
spacey witchmas
I'm trying hard with Clone Wars bc my kids like it
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my sister is like "i can just ask you, you know all this shit"
spacey witchmas
but I don't care about 85% of it
I ended up skipping a bunch of clone wars
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there was so much filler that it kind of felt like a slog at some points
spacey witchmas
I kind of passively watch it with the kids
spacey witchmas
and if something cool happens I'll pay attention
spacey witchmas
but yeah, I heard Thrawn and i was like god no I don't have time to care about books
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i would just say the mandalore stuff is kind of cool
spacey witchmas
I didn't realize they animated him
spacey witchmas
maybe I'll just skip straight to that
spacey witchmas
heck with Clone Wars for now
I support this! Rebels is a lot of fun
spacey witchmas
I refuse to love anyone else in a star war
spacey witchmas
but probably, she seems cool
spacey witchmas
I spent my whole live not giving a fuck about star wars, gave like, two or three of my fucks, and boom they hurt my feelings
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it's been a year fhkjdlshui i want to be free of this pain
spacey witchmas
I remember watching Rogue One like holy shit this is the best Star Wars ever but who the hell made this movie where EVERYONE DIES and thought it was okay
spacey witchmas
but I still loved it!
spacey witchmas
then came TROS
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i walked out of that theater with tears on my face but man, i felt good
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where i walked out with a migraine and a broken heart
spacey witchmas
I was spoiled for it but in fierce denial
spacey witchmas
"that sounds fake as hell lol"
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"it wont be that bad, i'm sure it'll be better on screen"
spacey witchmas
my initial response wasn't even bad, just
spacey witchmas
"welp that was a star war, I guess it was fine?"
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Kylo utters "You're a Palpatine" and i slid down in my seat, face in hands
spacey witchmas
i was mad about Ben Solo but I'm used to being mad about trash boys
spacey witchmas
they really just gave up with the dialogue
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"SOMEHOW palpatine has returned" oscar literally looked like he was dead inside
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i dont care how palpatine came back but good LORD that line delivery
spacey witchmas
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i've read better fanfic and these writers do not get paid millions to write these things
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jj: oh tlj wrote us into a corner
22k reylo works on ao3: hold our beer
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i dont hate the show i just feel like it really is missing a lot of tension and supporting characters to beef it up
That's a really good thread!
StupidSexyVโš der
i feel like Bo Katan with be back. Ahsoka was totally a backdoor pilot. i hate hate hate get lekku they are too short and stiff and her montrals are prepubescent. their excuses of stunt work anger me. cosplayers have solved this. proper materials and they work
StupidSexyVโš der : tbh I donโ€™t know why they donโ€™t just hire cosplayers to do costume design
StupidSexyVโš der
StupidSexyVโš der
cause their Twi'lek looked AWEFUL too
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okay but did anyone else notice all the creases of the material on her lekku
StupidSexyVโš der
yeah. They did that in the PT too, with the Togruta and it looked just as bad then
StupidSexyVโš der
this is why you use silicone or use latex and don't crease it - there is one cosplayer to makes hers look like that and it just. no
StupidSexyVโš der
I have a feeling, given how stiff they where, they used vinyl or leather (but probably vinyl/'pleather')
StupidSexyVโš der
Which yes is going to be heavy and need a lot of stuffing to hold it's shape, especially that firmly. And it works ok for -hang on
StupidSexyVโš der
StupidSexyVโš der
so for 'soka this is a toddler so vinyl with a shell of expanding foam for shape would rest in stiff, nonmoving lekku which would work.
StupidSexyVโš der
you could use this for Padawan as well, although you'd probably be better off adding some polyfil or fiberfill in the lekku rather than just foam because it would be too artificial looking otherwise.
StupidSexyVโš der
for Commander you SHOULD you expanding foam for the montrals and for arch for the lekku but from there you want barely any foam, some fil for shape and a tiny little sandbag in the bottom of the lekku for movement. You cannot do this one with vinyl, you HAVE to use latex or silicone.
StupidSexyVโš der
for General again, you want to use expanding foam for the shaping on the montrals and lekku, and I mean just enough to hold the shape, and light fil for lekku shape and again, sandbags for movement to make them look like part of the body.
StupidSexyVโš der
for Fucrum you HAVE to use a 3-D printed scaffold for that shape to keep it lightweight with just some thin, not more than 1/8 an inch thick layer of foam for smoothing over the scaffold and support without much weight. The back lekku would need scaffolding down to about her should so again you'd want to do a thin, thin layer of foam over that with a
StupidSexyVโš der
sandbag at the bottom, the front two would only need scaffolding to her chin and foam support to just below that. tiny sand bags for movement
StupidSexyVโš der
and they'd look like yanno, part of her not something such on her head.
StupidSexyVโš der
In reality the most 'quality' for each would be cast in silicone, 3-D printed scaffold supported, with a thin layer of foam sheeting (like what's in the headliner of cars, it's like 1/16th an inch thick) with frim foam (the expanding foam) at the peaks of the montrals and little sand bags in the bottom for movement. to keep Commander, General, and
StupidSexyVโš der
and Fulcrum lekku's from swinging out of control, behind the foam sheeting put a flat button magnet, just one per lekku for Commander and probably General but Fulcrum could easily need three, with matching magnets placed in her costume to hold them into place but still allow movement
StupidSexyVโš der
BOOM, probably solved
StupidSexyVโš der
I swear with the lack of Twi'leks and Togruta in the ST, they have FORGOTTEN how to make them, because man the Twi'lek a few episodes back in Mando was EQUALLY bad looking
StupidSexyVโš der
and made me worry about THIS THING HERE
StupidSexyVโš der
....and the cosplayer will shut up now
StupidSexyVโš der
ok no, one more: I literally thought about this for ten hours and I fixed it and I am LITERALLY so close to tweeting people going LET ME DESIGN THIS SHIT BECAUSE I HAVE NERD WAGE AND IT'S BAD FOR MY BLOOD PRESSURE