Kiramas ❄️
a bunch of complete assholes eat rocks and try to figure out whose fursona is the best
Kiramas ❄️
A kid from every religion tries to make actual God convert to theirs
Kiramas ❄️
I don't know what year it is but the psychopaths are in love
Kiramas ❄️
Who would win, a bunch of ruthless adults or a seven year old with a Gaia online avatar
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okay i wanna know what the 'every religion' one is
Kiramas ❄️
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I was being tongue-in-cheek about Shaman King! it's actually a mix of religions and various cultural mythologies in general, but the basic premise is that whoever wins the shaman fight gets to be friends with the 'great spirits' who are contextualized like a generalized god-thing that reflects the ideals of the king
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ohhh yeah
Kiramas ❄️
so IF you are a certain religion and you become the shaman king, the world is probably operating on your religion's logic now
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it's been a billion years since i read any of it
Kiramas ❄️
ahaha that's fair
Kiramas ❄️
basically my strategy to make the animes sound boring was completely talk around any shonen tournament / killing game / what have you