Been a while so lets anon chat with RJ aka paranoidpatriot ! Ask me questions! Find your government assigned noun! Tell what you're excited about for the holidays! speak in tongues! I'll keep this open while j work on the art queue and some tags
do you think if somebody was afraid of obama they'd be called baracknophobic
ahfcfhc jumping in straight with the important questions today. Nah I'd say that's more a phobia of not having enough Obama. fear-of no barack
ahhh excellent answer thank you
I have been just informed I'm getting up to 4 inches on snow tomorrow it begins
my spouse and I just stopped everything we were doing to coo at a spider that dropped from the cieling
relationship goals... also i just wanna drive-by say that you're a really fun person! sadly i know no other tongues to speak to you in though, so you can just imagine i summoned the flames of hell for you or something
LOL aw juice that's so sweet, I'm honored
I'll bet you're great fun too :'3
Are you still living in California? how has your life been?
hello there Alpaca! I came to visit my spouse right before quarantine started so I've sadly been back in MI but my part time job here gives me more money and better hours which was the whole reason I went there to study (apart from finding the dream job of course) so for now I'm back to staying put, but that works best for everyone.
2020 has been as lousy for me as it has for anyone, regrettably but I'm looking to have the best Dec I can to make up for it and focus on all the good things coming my way now that I feel hope again
Things are looking up! now I just have to be kind to myself so I can steadily get back in the groove
I'm excited to make tons of things I only make once a year for the holidays
waffle is good, very late 2000s random
anyway I like and appreciate you a lot and I wish we interacted more
ha! yes, I approve. Aw thanks waffle, I appreciate you too, I know I can be kind of aloof at times but it really warms my heart to know people do want and like to interact with me
I'm excited to make seasonal stuff too! It isnt often I'm ahead of the game; I'm hoping I can keep updating my etsy shop and medias the whole season through while I'm feeling productive
lets rock Dec with our projects and spread some joy around!
absolutely! I cannot wait to see what you're putting out this month, it's going to be wonderful