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Anyone wanna be the lucky 'someone'? that Kyoko bounds over to? pffft lol. Feel free to tag in! (It it's ok with you ChickletLARP ?)
ROFL. Sounds like fun! The more the merrier, so long as they do not mind that I am super slow during Nano.
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Well I'm super slow as well 'cuz I have like 20 freaking tags to go through lol
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I'm trying though!
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oh, ChickletLARP : the scarf is more of a hankerchief but 1 I couldn't remember what it was called at the time, and 2 I prolly wouldn't have been able to spell it anyway lol
LOL, um.. should I edit, then?
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You can still keep her reaction as is though if you want 'cuz it's even funnier in those terms. Running around with this tiny little cloth draped on her shoulders
I şĥĩp ĩţ
up to you
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I mean, you could make it more clear ig? since I messed up the wording lol
I'm just trying to figure out if the reaction would change, since for her handkerchief are often used to cool someone don (By soaking it and then pitting it folded n their forehead...)
I şĥĩp ĩţ
oh, lol
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what do people do for bloody noses then?
Kyoko mostly ignores them, or just tissues, lol.
Yeah, I should rewrite the tag. >.<
Okay, did it as a sperate post, so you can reply to either and I'll delete the one you do't choose.