I found this mental health Youtube channel that seems really cool

Therapist Answers: "What is Congruent Depression?"
This man is some kind of licensed therapist or psychologist or something and I really like him so far. Haven't watched too much of him but.
tmw I notice the title of the video is "therapist answers" SO I GUESS HE'S A THERAPIST
unoiled snake
... Doubt tbh
unoiled snake
like... maybe there's a kernel of truth in there but there's this weird romanticization of arranged marriages and the caste system
unoiled snake
kind of sounds like "oh farmers in late 18th century France were totes happier than we are today because they knew their purpose"
unoiled snake
when I'd guess those farmers would have plenty of reasons to have "congruent depression" as he calls it
unoiled snake
... so uh. I guess I agree with his point that depression can be circumstantial, rather than Brain Go Wonky! But his explanation was just. A little ???
I do agree with that, and I don't think he meant to romanticize those things either? Our lives were 100% also very hard historically too, for other reasons.
I do 100% agree with the idea that the reasons we might be depressed today are complex and difficult to grasp in an entirely new way.