在本屆美國總統大選前後,科技公司推特、臉書,藉口遏制「錯誤的信息」的表面理由,對於傳統保守派與共和黨的言論進行內容審查,尤其針對川普本人與川普支持者,谷歌也是用運算技術讓川普的正面新聞減少曝光。現在越來越多民眾搬家加入這個社交媒體網站PARLER,這個站的用戶數在幾天內快速增長,已經超過一千萬。PARLER的聲明說,Rebekah Mercer從二O一八年就是網站的支持者,她說:Benjamin Franklin警告大家:『誰要推翻一個國家的自由,就必須從打壓言論自由開始。』
Parler is an American microblogging and social networking service launched in August 2018. Parler has a significant user base of Trump supporters, Conservatives, Parler has been described as an alternative to Twitter, and is popular among people who have been banned from mainstream social networks or oppose their moderation policies.
Parler Free Speech Social Network
Parler (French: 'to speak') was founded by John Matze and Jared Thomson in Henderson, Nevada in 2018. Matze is the company's chief executive officer and Thomson serves as the chief technology officer. Both Matze and Thomson are alumni of the University of Denver computer science program, and some other Parler senior staff also attended the school.
Elisha Krauss & Parler CEO John Matze
Newsmakers: Elisha Krauss and Parler CEO John Matze Since Election Day, Parler has seen massive growth as people have fled Twitter & Facebook for their censorship of mostly conservatives
CEO John Matze took a Vegas sized bet that he, his friends could compete with the big social media companies when they started the company 2 years ago
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