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[leaves] I like how the first thing fraying at people's sanity is a small, simple, unresolvable anomaly
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no matter how many times they measure the width of the house, no matter how many tools and possible explanations they go through
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it's five sixteenths of an inch wider on the inside than the outside
A Grinning DM
those are some very thin walls...
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after accounting for wall thickness
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the thickness of the walls, plus the measurement of the space inside it, exceeds the external width by 5/16"
I really like the idea of the layered narrative and the meta elements in HoL, but in terms of pure readability, I think I would like it a lot better if it was just contained to the Navidson story
just a simple horror novel about a door that shouldn't exist, but does
i mean you can read it that way by just skipping johnny's footnotes, but also i love johnny so i would never
but yeah the escalation of the House's impossible space is really good, it starts off so small
and then "measuring it correctly" becomes a huge undertaking of a task
karen's bookshelf is my favorite element of that portion of the plot, though i will not say more about that in case you haven't gotten there yet
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I have not