Mark (CG)
Little Hope is a hilariously bad horror game w/ Max0...
I suppose one way I'll watch horror is if it's two dudes mocking it relentlessly.
Context: Rimmy is a youtuber who I follow for his Arma 3 (military simulation game) videos where he gets very shouty and boisterous as he takes command of clusterfucks so him doing the odd horror game is cuz it would be funny
Mark (CG)
"We just shot at a black man and ran away I don't think this town is going to like us" (lmao)
Mark (CG)
Wow that ending
LOL the ending for this game is as...I guess the trope for it was all just a dream LOL Gab, LPer I follow that first finished it, couldn't get or absorb the ending well but she enjoyed the flow of the story despite bad character developments?
Its enjoyable if you're in to simple horror jump scares, cause there are jump scares in this game that feels meh LOL
Mark (CG)
Yeah Rimmy commented on "WHY IS THIS A JUMPSCARE" whenever they "I'M GOING TO COLONIAL AMERICA NOW" (lmao)
Mark (CG)
and they burst out laughing on that ghost who just straight up walked from the background to teleport them (LOL)
LOL exactly! Why the fuck does it always have to be a jump scare all the time! Yeah, sure, if the thrill seekers like it. But it feels so annoyingly over used.
Mark (CG)
Rimmy hated the ending, too. Choices didn't matter at all in the end
Wait, wait! Which ending did they receive?!?! Gab got the neutral ending I think?
Mark (CG)
They got the one where the bus driver got arrested yeah
Mark (CG)
it's like, what's the point of branching paths and characters reacting to decisions if they're all made up in the end. It's a twist ending that doesn't really work with the gameplay mechanics
Yeah, I think that's the neutral one. Since nothing changed? The story is focusing on forgiveness or condemnation by how the story goes.'s weird...I get it, it's good in paper, but it feels bad when played. Or I guess the scenarios were?
*scenario and clues goes
Mark (CG)
Telltale Games made a business out of making games where you think choices matter but they actually didn't.
They got bankrupt :v
I think that's the nega comment in Man of Medan to? The ending felt like the choices didn't matter much.
I guess you could say the in between was a good ride...up till the ending that is...
Mark (CG)
Rimmy and maxor shot the middle aged lady in the twist of "oh you thought it was a monster but it was actually a friend!" and they were like "to be fair it's her fault for just following a few feet back and not announcing herself" (LOL)
Telltale was good, and I miss some of their old projects, just not the entire zombie one LOL
Mark (CG)
They weren't too impressed with the cliche situations where characters are forced to be dumb to move the horror story along
She was even annoyed when she discovered that she couldn't contorl the gun. YEAH, THE GUN SHOOTS WHETHER YOU DIDN'T AIM.
Mark (CG)
I knew they were going to shoot carefully because they're milsim players and they know how to properly kill people (LOL)
But the gun still goes off in that scenario.
LOL the surprised faces of those who didn't want to shoot we're priceless
I think Little Hope really got the idea going, just soo much annoying tropes.
If I'm going to compare it to Man of Medan, the scenarios and circumstances were much better there than in Little Hope. Unless you got iffed with MoM ending LOL
Mark (CG)
I don't really follow this developer cuz I don't play horror movies
Mark (CG)
games*. Movies too :v
Mark (CG)
but as I understand it their style is like 90s horror full of cheesy stuff?
If it wasn't for Detriot, I probably wouldn't be following this. But so far, it feels a bit short, I wonder if after the third there will be a grander scheme. I like the curator moments, despite how bad it is on this anthology.
Yeah, this anthology feels like the cheesy style of horror. In comparison to Until Dawn.
Mark (CG)
isn't Until Dawn literally the cheesy game full of teenagers?
Mark (CG)
oh Rimmy did Man of Medan lemme go watch that
That was the start, BUT, that explored a lot more diversity and paths. The cheesiness didn't matter because it was a good play. Might be also an acquired taste.