Jim VandeHei他是美國左派陣營的宣傳幹將,他說的是七十八天,從十一月四日開始算起。這位Jim VandeHei曾在《華盛頓郵報》擔任國家政治記者,並曾擔任該報駐白宮記者,現為Axios的聯合創始人兼首席執行官,也是Politico的前執行編輯兼聯合創始人,非常親近中華人民共和國政府當局。 約在十月中旬,Jim VandeHei在Axios發表署名文章《選舉之夜及今後七十八天:一種安全,明智的導航方式 A safe, sane way to navigate election night — and beyond,Jim VandeHei》文章繼續重複炮製的謊言:川普會拒絕承認大選結果,並宣告從十一月四日到就職典禮,美國經歷七十八天戲劇和動盪,因為民主黨人不承認大選結果,這說明他們很清楚知道結果是什麼。
Biden campaign warns against complacency in memo: 'D... Biden campaign warns against complacency in memo: 'Donald Trump can still win this' Fox News obtained a memo from the Biden campaign cautioning about rosy polls The Biden campaign sent out memo to supporters warning that President Trump can still win, the race is Neck and Neck in critical battleground Arizona and North Carolina
But we are ready. I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected President on Tuesday, whatever the end count is, but on the election that occurs on Tuesday, he will be elected. On January 20th, he will be inaugurated President of the United States.
So, while we don't want to be overconfident or assume anything,we have to be ready for how we're going to go down a different path.We've come to a fork in the road when it comes to the coronavirus. The President has taken us on a deadly path.The Heroes Act takes us on a scientific path to help save the lives, the livelihood, the lives of the American people.
約在十月中旬,Jim VandeHei在Axios發表署名文章《選舉之夜及今後七十八天:一種安全,明智的導航方式 A safe, sane way to navigate election night — and beyond,Jim VandeHei》文章繼續重複炮製的謊言:川普會拒絕承認大選結果,並宣告從十一月四日到就職典禮,美國經歷七十八天戲劇和動盪,因為民主黨人不承認大選結果,這說明他們很清楚知道結果是什麼。
Fox News obtained a memo from the Biden campaign cautioning about rosy polls
The Biden campaign sent out memo to supporters warning that President Trump can still win, the race is Neck and Neck in critical battleground Arizona and North Carolina
第二,川普在大選之日會贏,但這是「紅色幻像Red Mirage」,因為民主黨會有更多的郵寄選票(其實是製造出來的假選票,這種把戲是民主黨的慣技),只要延長接收郵寄選票的時間,民主黨就能讓「紅色幻像」消失,贏得大選。
第三,要求民主黨人控制資訊,不要分享不利於民主黨的資訊(即中國宣傳部門經常發出的「不造謠傳謠」之類);重複俄羅斯干預美國大選的謠言,Jim VandeHei他並提點他的特定讀者要對此加以利用(他對實際干預美國大選的中國隻字不提。