says Got a contract offer last night. So there will be work in my near future. Yay! \o/
says The rate is pretty good. It's a cut from where I was at, but it's a start. Certainly better than nothing, that's for sure.
says Have another interview in about 20 minutes with one of the folks I'd be working with if I get the role I'm hoping for. They're located in another country, which is why the interview is so early for me. For them, it's near dinner time, so...yeah. Isn't globalization fun? :-)
says Also received a couple of nibbles from other roles yesterday, so the wait for a full time offer may not be long.
That's great! A very good start.
How did the next interview go?
says Very well. It was a fairly wide ranging conversation and a good one. I'd like to say I feel good about it, but I've been through the auditioning process enough times to temper my hopes/ideas.
says If it turns into a fair offer, I'll be happy to leap at it. It would be a step up in responsibility and I think that's a very good thing.
Auditioning is right! At least, that's how it feels. I just need to work for about 3 more years--5 would be better, but I don't think I have the patience for it. My job is dull and not over-paid, but stable with good benefits and I get to listen to books while I work. I'll probably just stick with it.
The guy I'm dating indicated he'd be happy to move in with me, pay the bills & let me quit. Not ready for that/Don't think our relationship is at that point, but I'll re-evaluate in a couple months. If we're still happily together, might ask him to move in, but keep my job. I have a pension, so have my own money, but a few more plans, so need to work.
says Not to offer advice, but it seems like you value having a private place. You wouldn't be the first person to value a certain amount of independence in a relationship.
Just thinking out loud. But I do value alone time.