Lady Bintley
Mum went into care a week ago. Dad goes in tomorrow. It's really hitting me that I can't speak to them at the moment, and with them being in care I've no idea when I will see them physically again..
Skittles 🍄
I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how hard it just be.
Lady Bintley
It is absolutely shite. My mood isn't good; I'm downright grumpy and unpleasant tbh. I smell OK though, so there's that
Natalie 🌈
You’re amazing. I know this is tough but you’re resolute and strong and fierce and magnificent.
Lady Bintley
..and tired and crabby and sad and constipated and really, really fed up x
Love you sweets
Lady Bintley
Love you too NewYearSameMe xxx
Natalie 🌈
Lady Bintley : You’re allowed to be all of those things and you’re very much allowed to vent here, on FB, in IM or texties if needed... Love you very much
Ah crap, I'm so sorry to hear that