good morning. I have acquired Thirsty Sword Lesbians, which is an Apoc Engine game about being disaster queers with swords fighting The Man. (Or some kind of toxic hierarchy, anyway.) Point is I badly want to run a one-shot of this sucker.
I cannot handle more than 6 players for this, I don't think.
Tempted to run Isekai/Online for it, but really the base setting of gay as hell pulp sci-fi, Starcrossed Galaxy, is very good. So is the idea of doing this as Ranma pastiche (call that "thirsty martial arts transfolks?")
if I did not specifically call you out you are still welcome but you know.
just thought these folks in particular ought to know
sailor bii
count me in for the one shot
Princess Emily
I hates apoc engine so much so non
that's a fair reason to give this a pass; if you didn't like, say, Masks much you're not gonna like this either
Becca Stareyes
For a one-shot, I can probably manage, and I do want to try PbtA as a system
Love Snake Kaja
Count me in.
quietly turns off camera and voice
I've been wanting to try this game since a friend got to help playtest it at BigBadCon 2019 so yes I'm listening
this will probably need to be on a Saturday or Sunday
let me know if this is a problem for any of you
also, let me know your preferences for:

1: pulpy space opera
2: ranma pastiche
3: isekai/online
i bought it too!
NekoInc, MSPM
I'm curious but like Emily I dislike PbtA. Port this sucker to the Sentinels roll engine lmao
sailor bii
I like all of these but especially I/O
NekoInc, MSPM
If I were to join, I'd favor 2 so that I could figure out how to do Thirsty SwordGymnasics Ribbon Lesbian. :V
Becca Stareyes
I am fine with any of those, though 1 is my preference. (If given the choice between space and not-space, I tend to favor space.)
I would love to play if you have room
For a oneshot or short campaign I can probably do Sunday, Saturday world depends on when because I've got at least one ongoing game then
I'd prefer pulpy space opera or everything is ridiculous kung fu over I/O for this, I think
hello!! I'll burn cities down for sword lesbians
and as you know I'm available on weekends
my preference is also for 1 but I could do any
(oh yeah, I'm available most days atm. friday in the late evening, and Sat in the early evening are out because of other games)
Lesbian Manowar
i'm busy with nanowrimo but if i can consult on anything sword related or lend a character to something let me know
Lesbian Manowar : i may take you up on that for I/O (featuring Siofra from the Sordid Sorcery series!)
FluffyFaeCat : this is increasingly looking like i will need to do two oneshots so will see how this shakes out
depends on scheduling but I'm interested if there's room. Space is my favorite option too
kimmeh: same here
Also Lesbian Manowar your display name sounds like a fun af character concept for this game lmao
wimps and heteros, LEAVE THE HALL
Lesbian Manowar
i mea it's just describing me i would be okay with someone playing me i this game
sailor bii
Wednesdays are out for me and so are midday Sunday but I could do other times
okay, between this and my various and sundry discords there is easily enough interest for two games
which for the sake of my sanity I'll be doing on Sunday the 15th and Sunday the 29th of this month
sailor bii : about how late in the evening works for you
sailor bii
I'm good at any time that starts after 3 PST
How many people are good with 6 PST? I'm doing that as a ballpark mostly because some people work 9-5 on Sundays
Becca Stareyes
For Sundays, 6 PST is late unless I have the 29th. (After the 24th, I am done with the term, so can keep more flexible hours.)
Becca Stareyes : While I can run earlier I will for now slot you in for the 29th
Becca Stareyes
Works for me. I ahve the most flexibility then, since I tend to be a bit ragged in the last few weeks before the end of term
6 pst would be fine for me
6 pst on a sunday should work for me as well
6pst should work for me on a sunday too
sailor bii
me too
Love Snake Kaja
6 pm is two hours before my bedtime
Love Snake Kaja
(I'm EST)
Love Snake Kaja
So I would prefer an earlier time