duck bastard
[family] why is it that, if you forget one thing, older people act like it is a personal offense and you spat on their parent's grave
duck bastard
I forgot to do the dishes yesterday, because halloween and just spaced out after doing an entirely different chore (hauling branches from the trees around, walking the dogs)
duck bastard
and my grandmother goes "this is gETTING RIDICULOUS"
duck bastard
and it's like. calm the fuck down.
duck bastard
i've been on top of dishes and other chores this whole time
duck bastard
me forgetting them once isn't a big deal
sentient gate
yeah your gramma is kind of not the best person and i worry she needs more help than you can give
duck bastard
I say "older people" because my dad did the same.... 8T although I guess it's clear where he got it from
living like any chore you forget you clearly did it maliciously and left it as a personal insult to their person? I know that
duck bastard
the thing is, shitty memory is, like... genetic? my dad was the kind of person who'd have his glasses on his head and forget
duck bastard
so i'm just like.... have we learned nothing
duck bastard
....and then worse is when their memory gets shit and they still blame you
duck bastard
> Grandmother: YOU KNOW, I told you to take the trash out to the curb and you never did it
> James: ?? You mean the trash in the kitchen? I did that, I remember taking it out.
> Grandmother: No, I mean in the big black trash can in the yard
> James: .....You never told me to do that
> Grandmother: /ignores me
duck bastard
this is made even more annoying because I actively sought clarification when she told me to take the trash to the curb (as much as we have that in the middle of nowhere) and she said the kitchen, not the outside one